Happy hump day everyone!

I often write about celebrating non-scale victory’s but today I celebrate a scale victory. I have officially lost 20 pounds hooray! I am very proud of myself, however it is not only for the number of pounds itself but for the consistency and the determination that it took to keep going when the pounds weren’t coming off or not coming off as fast as I would like. I have been on this renewed journey since October and kicked it up a notch by joining a gym and hiring a personal trainer in late February. 3 difficult months, 3 amazing months of self discovery and successes that no one can ever take away. And it’s only the beginning…

If you’re interested in finding out what I ate and how am avcountability buddy changed the game and stacked the odds in my favor you can contact me at FollowMyJourney24@gmail.com
Instagram @ FollowMyJourney24 & @ABOPFITNESS
👻 @MyJourney24
YouTube Video http://bit.ly/Bestwsy2Lose20Pounds

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